Sunday 16 June 2013

Right grab a brew and lets catch up...

As you may have gathered from my last post this week has been pants. When I said "why do bad things come in threes?" what I should of said "why does twenty bad things come at once?!!".

Yes quite frankly (yup I'm going to swear) this week has been shite.

As I said, its just been one thing after another, but as my Dad says, that's life. We wouldn't appreciate the good things in life if there wasn't challenges. Well my bank balance certainly doesn't appreciate the bashing its taken this month... thank you car oh and not forgetting washing machine. 

Positives from this week?

My girly, she continues to grow and amaze me. Walking behind me and Jamie like out little shadow brings a lovely warm feeling that makes you feel that life isn't really that bad in the grand scheme of things!

What to look forward to?

Blogging wise I have lots of posts coming up, including more (set in stone) ideas for Darcie's new room which we are planning of doing in the next month or two. More reviews on things she got for her birthday, a couple of clothing posts, one recipe post, and a couple of random days out posts for good measure!

How have all my lovely readers been?

Mummy B xoxox

1 comment

  1. Sorry to hear you've had a crap week, I've just forked out £300 on my car that I could have done without spending, hopefully you'll have a better week this week! Looking forward to your next posts especially the ones on Darcie's room, I love stuff like that :) xx

    Beauty by Emma - Beauty, Mummy & Lifestyle Blog


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