Thursday 20 June 2013

Darcie's New Bedroom

As you may remember we are changing Darcie's room over to the bigger spare room. The look I have decided to go for is a bright and colourful look with birds and owls as a theme.

I have seen so many wonderful things that are mounting up on my shopping list...

1, 2, 5 are all available at NEXT, when I saw this in their latest catalogue I knew I HAD to have it! So pretty and girly and perfect for Darcie.

3 & 4 are available from ARGOS for a very reasonable price! The wardrobe is £109 and the shelves are £19.99 each!

6 I already have from Darcie's birthday and they were from EBAY and priced at around £5.

7 is just a general colour of paint I would like to get...

8 is something I saw on ETSY, I love the song and I think it would look beautiful in an alternative colour in her room.

Here are some more recent inspiration pictures that have helped me with my planning...

Want to check out more of my ideas? Then head over to my Pinterest page HERE.

I do love dreaming up ideas for decorating and creating things. I so should of gone into something more creative!

Can not wait to get started! This will be my summer holiday project I think!

Mummy B xoxox



  1. Every item is so cute . Great inspiration.

    Meghan Silva's Blog

  2. So cute! I have the same wardrobe from Argos in Summer's bedroom! Love the Next bedroom items :) xx

    Beauty by Emma - Beauty, Mummy & Lifestyle Blog


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