Last week I was re-organising our wardrobe in our bedroom when I came across some of Jamie's running gear, in there I found an un-used aluminium foil blanket that runners get given at the end of an event.
I remembered at one of my very first baby groups I went to, they had one of these and Darcie was utterly amazed with it. So I decided to see if it still had the same appeal...
First of all we decided to play underneath the blanket, I got some flashing lights from her toys and we watched the light reflect off the blanket, she was amazed!
Then she played for aaaages on top of the blanket exploring with her hands and feet, listening to the noise the material made, this was her favourite part.
This little activity is such good fun, and kept Darcie entertained for a long time. A nice, simple, mess free and enjoyable for both you and baby :)
You can get these blankets from a varitey of places, sport shops or outdoor shops would probably supply them. Alternitivly check out Amazon they have 5 blankets for £4.25!
Mummy B xoxox
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