I haven't been blogging much of late, mainly because I have had a very poorly bubba. You may remember in my "winter walk in Southwold" post that Darcie had just got over the winter vomiting virus, well then she got this horrendous cold.
It has been awful, she won't go down at night or naps unless cuddled, wakes every 40 mins, and constantly wheezing. On Thursday I took her to the doctors and he said it was just a cough and she would be over it within a few days. After, what seemed like a very long weekend we decided to take her back for a second opinion as she just seemed to be getting worse. This doctor (different from the last) suggested trying her on an inhaler to help with her wheezing, to make her more comfortable. We were told its completely safe and should make night time a little bit better.
Since having the inhaler Darcie has been much better, it has really helped her able to sleep better which, in turn, is aiding a better recovery! Hurrah!
We have been very lucky that Darcie has been very good when having her inhaler, the Doctor recommended that we made it a "game" and to let her play with the mouth piece so it was not to be seen as a scary thing. Now she just lets me do it easy peasy!
Fingers crossed Darcie will be 100% soon enough, its always horrible when there poorly.
Mummy B xoxox
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