Saturday, 29 December 2012

2013 New Year Resolutions

So its that time of year when I take a moment to look back, reflect and then look to the future and what I want from 2013.

Stress Less: 2012 has been an amazing year, but a tough one. I have noticed on many occasions that I feel totally stressed about things that really I shouldn't stress about and also I have suffered from high blood pressure this year, and I need to think of my health.

Lose weight: I have already done a post on this and since then I lost 9lbs, but I have a long way to go to reach my ideal weight. Hopefully this will be the year...

Home Decorating: This resolution is already well under way, I plan on getting alot of the house done this year. Money permitting... as always!

Read More: Last Christmas Jamie got me a Kindle which I absolutely love, but since Darcie has been born there always seem like there is something to get on with. This year that will change, my Kindle is full of books waiting to be read, currently I am reading Games of Thrones.

Facebook less, Blog more: I don't think that needs an explanation, but I do want to try and move away from Facebook a little bit more.

Get Darcie Christened: Ok so perhaps this isn't a resolution but more a goal that I want achieved in 2013.

What's your New Year resolutions?

Mummy B xoxox

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