Today was another lovely Autumnal day. Jamie had the day off and asked what I fancied doing and so we decided to take a trip to Norwich and walk around Mousehold Heath.
Mousehold Heath is a large woodland and heath area in the City of Norwich. Its lovely to have a good walk round and Lady (our dog) loves it!
So off we trotted, Me, Jamie, Darcie, Lady and my Mum.
It was a beautiful day, quite chily but soon warmed up when the sun came out!
Here are a few of my favourite piccy's...
After our looong walk, we decided to have a cheeky KFC and then pop into the Range and Next at Home... I think I will do a homey haul in the next couple of days as I have been sprucing up now Autumn is here to make it more cosy!
Mummy B xoxox
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