Wednesday, 5 September 2012

7 Things for 7 Days September

So I decided to join Louise of Sprinkle of Glitters interactive 7 Things for 7 Days blog (See Louise's blog here

So lets see how August went....

August 7 Things

Get My Bloody Kitchen Floor Cleaned!: Mission completed!!! Twice in fact!!!

Plan For The Spare Room Project!!!: My spare room has been planned now, to see my ideas please see here

Buy A Printer: Unfortunately this boring "thing" has not yet been completed, to be honest I need to do a little more research on the one that I would like, so fingers crossed I can find a good'un!

Arrange Girls Night In: Again this is in the process of being organised, which I am pleased about!! 

Plan for Christmas: Planning has already began!! Presents have even been bought!!

Have a BBQ: We finally had a BBQ at my parents house, and it was a complete wash out and a storm topped off the evening! Plus Darcie was a grumpy bum too... food was good though!

Shopping for Darcie: Darcie's Autumn wardrobe is coming together nicely, however she is growing at such a rapid rate I think I need to buy some 6-9 months clothes and quick!!!

Overall I am pretty pleased with my goals, so lets moves onto September!

September's 7 Things

Try Out a Pinterest Recipe: On my food and drink board on Pinterest (find me on Pinterest here) I have a ton of recipes I have saved and I have not tried any, so this month I really want to give it a go!!

Lose 5 pounds: Its really time I start to loose the baby weight. Darcie is almost 14 weeks old and so I'm pretty into the swing of things now so there is no excuse. I think I may start a separate blog post series about this as ideally I would like to lose 38 pounds. So this month I want to try and lose 5 pounds, I think this is quite realistic so fingers crossed I can do it!

Buy a Blender: This is to aid with my weight loss, and also it will come in handy when Darcie is ready to be weaned. I have seen on Pinterest this which is quite taking my fancy...

(Lauren Conrad's "7 days to Skinny Jeans", find out more here)

Buy Darcie a footmuff for her Quinny: My friend Chloe, who has two children of her own (and another on the way, so exciting!!!) recommended this,

Its £25 from John Lewis!! It will fit her Quinny and the colour matches up really well, so it is a complete bargain! Find it here!!

Find an alternative to Darcie's Swing: Darcie currently has a Fisher Price Swing, which she absolutely loves, but unfortunately I don't think it is going to last much longer as she is getting too heavy! So I need do some research and see if there is a bouncer or something slightly bigger for her. Any recommendations would be welcome.

Back Up All Pictures of Darcie: I keep fearing that my iPhone is going to get stolen and I will lose all my precious pictures (I don't know why as I do not live in a rough area!), so this month I must must must load them all onto my PC!!!

Take Jamie to a Wiggle and Giggle Session: Me and Darcie have really enjoyed this Wiggle and Giggle group, a sensory music and movement session designed for under ones, which is run by my local Sure Start Centre. And I think Jamie would enjoy it too, this month his shift pattern has changed enabling him to be able to attend with us!

Again I think these are really basic and realistic goals for the month.

Lets see if I can do this!

Mummy B xoxox

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