Hey everyone!
Darcie is eight weeks tomorrow and I have realised I didn't do her six week update! SO here goes....
At four weeks it became apparent that breast feeding was not working for us, she would not settle after a feed and I didn't get that "full" feeling you would normally get when she was due a feed, then at her midwife appointment she had not gained any weight. Which is absolutely soul destroying! You feel like a failure. So after discussing it with Jamie we decided to move onto formula. It was the best decision I ever made! You could almost see her gaining weight with every feed, and at her next appointment she had gained over a pound in one week! At 7 weeks Darcie weighed 9lb 15oz, and the health visitor thinks she will be very tall... just like her daddy!
**** If you find you are struggling with breast feeding make sure you discuss your feelings with your health visitor/midwife, and of course your partner. Don't let anyone tell you what to do, YOU as mum knows best. I felt so guilty for stopping, but my health visitor said even 4 weeks breast feeding gives them the best start and we are both so much happier for doing it. I'm glad I was able to breast feed her for at least 4 weeks****
At six weeks it is practice to have a six week check with the Doctor for both your child and you. Darcie was good as gold and the Doctor was very pleased with her. HOWEVER I was not impressed with the lack of checks the Doctor did for myself. He didn't even realise I had a emergency c-section till I told him! Even then all he asked was "Are you ok?", I said "Yup, I think I'm healing all ok" his response "good".... That was it, no checking of my scar or feeling my tummy!!!
At six weeks Darcie also had to go to hospital to have an ultrasound on her hip, as when I was born my hip joint had not formed properly and I had a constant dislocated hipand had to wear a brace for 12 weeks for the bones to set correctly, so it is customary for any of my children to have this check. And as expected all was A OK!
Three nights ago I noticed that Darcie was pushing up in her Moses basket and then banging her head, so reluctantly I have put her in her cot which is in her own room next to us (our room will not fit a cot!)... I can't believe it! She is growing up so quickly you have to really cherish every moment!!!
So to summarise at eight weeks Darcie....
*She has very good head control*
*She smiles*
*She "chats" (makes lots of cooing noises)*
*She chops on her fists (I'm pretty convinced she is teething)*
*She takes a Dummy*
*She has 6oz of formula every 4 hours*
*She enjoys tummy time*
*When you kiss her she opens her mouth (maybe she is trying to kiss back???)*
*She loves our dog Lady*
*She has "discovered" her tongue and is always sticking it out*
*She loves to chat to her cuddly toys and books*
*She is sleeping in her Cot in her own room*
She loves to have cuddles with Mummy and Daddy sleeping on our chests*
* (from top right, clockwise) Darcie not loving the hot weather, but rocking a hat! First night in her cot! Having some cuddles with daddy! Boo!*
Bye bye for now
Mummy B xoxox
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