Friday, 27 July 2012

7 Things for 7 Days

Firstly this is the beautiful Louise of Sprinkle Of Glitter, She is absolutely divine! I love this women, she is a true inspiration. She has a youtube channel and a blog (I will link below) about beauty, fashion, life and mummyhood. Louise recently set up an "interactive" blog, in which you list 7 things or goals you would like to do over a period of a week, and as I'm in need of some structure and motivation I decided to join in!!

So here are my 7 things....

Exercise: Since going through an emergency c-section eight weeks ago when Darcie was born (See Darcie's birth story post), I have not been able to do any exercise other than walking Lady (our dog), and  knowing I would at some point have to start losing the baby weight I got myself a few DVD work outs. My plan is for this week is to have a go at the Zumba DVD, just once, as I want to make my goals realistic as I know with having an eight week old sometimes its simply not possible to exercise every day!!

Little Ducklings: I have yet to attend any mummy and baby groups, Little Ducklings is my local Sure Start group, I think it will be great to meet other local new mums and hopefully make new friends! 

CLEAN MY KITCHEN FLOOR: As you can tell with the caps lock, this is a job that I have been meaning to do for the last three weeks (shameful I know) and I just simply have not got round to it! But now I have it in writing for the world to see I guess I'm going to have to do it!

Prep for craft project: I want to make Darcie something she can keep forever and after some thinking and pintresting, I have decided to make Darcie a keep sake cushion from her clothes that she has grown out of. I need to take a trip to Hobbycraft as I'm in need of some supplies and this week I would also like to try and design the cushion.

Jamie time: I would like at some point to have some Jamie time, he is working horrible shifts so we don't get the evening together when Darcie goes to bed... so on his day off on Sunday I plan have some "us" time (No not sexy time you silly people), where we can just sit down have some dinner, and enjoy each others company.

Organisation: Since I have been on maternity leave I have been organising the house, so far I have done the spare room, my wardrobe (ahhh so tidy and looking beautiful... sad I know), and the under stairs cupboard , I would like, this week, to get my kitchen cupboards done and give them a good clean.

Organise blog posts: I am very hit and miss when it comes to my blogging, and I really want get this baby going! So I am going to organise a blog schedule for this month.

There... very simple goals, but there all things I keep thinking I must do but never get round to doing! This is why I love Louise, just some simple motivation to help enjoy the little things in life!

Come one guys go subscribe to Louise's Blog and Youtube channel and get involved!!

Mummy B xoxox


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