Monday, 9 April 2012

31 week update

So here I am in all my glory... feeling rather large now! It seems that my bump has all of a sudden popped!!

Weeks: 31

Total weight gain: I have no idea... I refuse to see!

My body: No stretch marks as of yet (I say this but whats the betting I find some this week!) I'm in constant discomfort due to SPD in my hips and I'm having an increasing amount of back pain :( I guess its all part of it though and well I have come this far and I only have 9 weeks left to go!

Maternity clothes: I haven't bought anything new lately, just sticking with my three pairs of maternity trousers from Next and leggings! Still fit into most tops with a bit of a squeeze! But I'm one of these people who refuse to spend lots of money on maternity clothes!!

Cravings: Nothing in particular, but as its Easter I have bee slightly indulging in chocolate!!!

Baby items bought/received: Got some breast pads! woop! Also this week I finally ordered baby b's cot, which will hopefully be delivered tomorrow! Other than that this week has been quite quiet on the shopping front!

Things to look forward to: As I previously said baby b's cot should arrive tomorrow, so once the Other Half has put it together baby's room will be almost done!!

Worries: That from now till due date I will not sleep well, pains in hips and backs have increased and my sleep is starting to suffer from that! But other than that I'm not worrying yet!

Ok so that was my 31 week update, I will do these each week till I "pop", I hope you like :)

Mummy B x

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